About Me

I’m Raoul Miller – it’s my name on the blog and the domain, so there’s no point hiding that fact.  I’m the Raoul who lives in New York City, not the one in South Africa (whom I have never met, but apparently works in a similar field).

I have a PhD in Geological Sciences from the University of Colorado, Boulder and I was (am?) a palaeoclimatologist specializing in charting and understanding climatic changes over the past 20,000 years in the Canadian Arctic.  I’ve been to every circumpolar country except Russia.

I’m now an Enterprise Architect specializing in content management working for TEAM informatics.  I used to work for Oracle and, before that, Stellent.  I also have a background in identity management, security, virtualization, hardware, and performance optimization.

Twitter – @raoulmiller (may not always be safe for work)

LinkedIn – http://www.linkedin.com/in/raoulmiller/

SlideShare – http://www.slideshare.net/raoulm/edit_my_uploads

Email – <myfirstname>AT raoulmiller.com

(updated 9-16-14)



This picture was taken on a pleasant spring day in the hills just outside Iqaluit, Nunavut.  It was approximately -50°C at the time (excluding wind chill – maybe -60° with?). My beard is grey and less full these days.


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