Category Archives: Social

What do we mean by “Artificial Intelligence”?

The future is unwritten.

Original Joe strummer mural on the wall of the Niagara Bar in the East Village, NYC.  Memorializes Joe Strummer (1952-2002) and quotes "the future is unwritten" and "know your rights"

Following on from my last post, and triggered by conversations I have had on the subject since then, it occurred to me that a lot of the confusion around “AI” is that almost everyone has a different understanding of the term. Which, of course, makes serious assessment of the subject difficult.

So, let’s define some parameters:

Broadly speaking, Artificial Intelligence is the ability of machines (computers) to simulate the processes usually associated with cognition or human intelligence. This is where the famous Turing Test comes into play – can a machine/computer respond to questions in such a way that the interrogator is unaware that the other party is not human?

However, a broader definition of AI encompasses the abilities to “learn, read, write, create, and analyze”. I think this is more valuable in terms of scope, because it is closer the common understanding of what is popularly termed “AI” today. So let’s break those tasks down a little:

  • Learn – machine learning (ML) is a subset of artificial intelligence. All ML is AI, but not all AI is ML (although most use it). ML is (broadly) statistical analysis on steroids – calculating and weighing patterns and relationships in large data sets. You need to input good data and you need to train the model on that existing data, and then test and refine against other subsets of the data. ML is great at pattern recognition within data and for images and text but it is very susceptible to the correlation = causation fallacy.
  • Read – machines don’t “read”, they have data input to them. However, in this sense, the task refers to ingesting large amounts of submitted content and breaking it down into sections, paragraphs, etc., discarding filler words or data noise, calculating relationships, tracking usage frequencies, etc. This capability is mature because it lies behind full text indexing and search which has been around for decades, but it is still far from perfect.
  • Write – again, machines don’t “write” but they can create somewhat novel assemblages of text (or images) based on statistical rules derived from their input data. This may be a simulacrum of human writing or it may be a word salad (or visual equivalent). Chat GPT and Claude AI are large language models (LLM) that output text based on input prompts and very large data sets based on analyses of a huge corpus of training information. This is where a lot of the hype around “AI” has been focussed in the past 6-9 months.
  • Create – creation overlaps with “write”. The models can present novel output based on their training data and rule sets but is this “creation”? That’s an epistemological discussion that I’m not qualified to judge, but I would point out that while machines can (and do) find relationships between data that humans have not, they are constrained by their training data and cannot “create” anything that has not been submitted to them as input. They can, and do, create new things from old components but currently there is no way for them to create something wholly original.
  • Analyze – this is the part that machines are really good at; and the area where I believe the greatest strides will be made. Humans have been wonderful at collecting data over the past millennia, but there are limits to the ability to retain enough to be able to draw interdisciplinary conclusions. It has been claimed that Sir Isaac Newton in the late 1600s and early 1700s was the last polymath able to be conversant in all aspects of human knowledge, and even then that was probably an exaggeration. Today we generate data way faster than anyone or any organization can track and AI will certainly help fund relationships between disparate aspects of human knowledge. Of course, this is where hubris creeps in – for instance, will we generate more CO2 from running massive GPU stacks and data stores trying to solve climate change? Will all the assembled data of human knowledge be used to manipulate and sell people things?

So, to return to the original question – what is AI? It’s a term that encompasses machine learning, large language models, advanced statistics, novel data collection and organization, natural language processing, and many other tools, approaches, and capabilities. I don’t think it’s productive to buy, sell, worry about, or legislate AI without being more precise in your terms.

  • Will “arm-wavy” AI solve all my business or science problems? No, it will not, but machine learning, natural language processing, and analysis of your internal documentation may provide actionable insights.
  • Will AI cure cancer or solve the climate crisis? No it will not, but the tools that are part of AI may generate novel approaches for research that have been overlooked in the past which could lead to these breakthroughs.
  • Will AI replace my job? In the short and medium term it is possible that some jobs will be replaced by AI processes, but care and feeding of those models will also generate new jobs. Of course, as is so often the case, the skill profiles of the replaced and replacees will be quite different, so this does merit public discussion.
  • Will AI make Skynet1 self aware and lead to the creation of killer robots that can travel back through time to destroy humanity’s last hope? Well, that depends on whether we let Cyberdyne Systems drive our defense allocations – that’s definitely a public policy question.

NOTE: the picture is of the original and best Joe Strummer memorial mural on the wall of the Niagara bar at 7th and A in the East Village. It was painted by Dr Revolt in 2003. It was unforgivably removed and replaced by a “cleaner” version in 2013 after the bar was renovated. Same artist, different vibe.

The full quote from Joe is “(a)nd so now I’d like to say – people can change anything they want to. And that means everything in the world. People are running about following their little tracks – I am one of them. But we’ve all got to stop just following our own little mouse trail. People can do anything – this is something that I’m beginning to learn. People are out there doing bad things to each other. That’s because they’ve been dehumanised. It’s time to take the humanity back into the center of the ring and follow that for a time. Greed, it ain’t going anywhere. They should have that in a big billboard across Times Square. Without people you’re nothing. That’s my spiel. The future is unwritten

  1. Can we talk about the NSA making a surveillance program after the Terminator antagonist? Is this horribly tone-deaf or is it some kind of inside joke? ↩︎

Bluetooth woes

After spending the best part of 4 hours trying to get Bluetooth to work on my Dell Win 7 laptop, I gave up and went to Best Buy and bought a MS mouse that uses some proprietary protocol.  I have shit to do and I can’t spend hours trying to track down why Bluetooth stopped working at some point in the past week following the usual 40 or so updates.

I was initially going to complain about Microsoft’s piss-poor implementation of BT, but then I remembered that while the BT mouse works fine on my mac, the BT audio to my 30-pin iPod dock has become so lossy and unreliable to be unusable.  So neither Microsoft or Apple can apparently deliver basic functionality and reliability to Bluetooth – which may explain why momentum is dying.

The only thing that “just works” is BT pairing between cars and phones and between phones and hands-free headsets, so perhaps that’s where this promising technology is going to remain.

Update and clarification on my WinMo phone posting


That last blog posting generated the most traffic of anything I have ever posted here.  I certainly did not intend to enter the religious wars of the middle ages.

People certainly are invested with their choice of mobile device OS.  I didn’t think of that, because I don’t feel strongly either way.  I like my iPad and iPhone, but I don’t think it would be a great hardship to switch platforms (apart from the learning curve and repurchasing costs). I certainly don’t identify myself by those choices.

Happy New Year!

Civility online?

Earlier in the week I was posting on a Lifehacker thread about cold-weather gear.  As someone who has spent a lot of time in extremely cold climates over the past 30+ years I thought I had something to contribute. And then “that guy” showed up – the one saying nobody needs all that fancy stuff and plain-talkin’ folks get by fine with flannel-lined jeans.  I responded to say we were talking about something a little more specialized than that and it began:

  • You’re a liar – you have never been where you say you have
  • You don’t know what you are talking about
  • I googled some things to prove you’re lying
  • Various insults and homophobic slurs

It left me annoyed and rattled and made me want to just step away and disengage completely.

And then I realized this is a tiny fraction of the degree of what many women online suffer every single day. I read Kathy Sierra’s heartbreaking and awful account of her history of threats and attacks. Penny Red has been bravely talking about her similar experiences over the years on her blog and twitter.  Linda Sandvik is another great source who is unafraid to call out those small (and large) putdowns that too many women get every day in tech.  When I read about the horrors that these women (and hundreds or thousands more) have to face every day, my brush with trolling and incivility faded into the minor annoyance that it was – but it gave a sliver of insight into what they face.

If I felt so shitty after one interaction with an aggressive troll, how do Kathy, Penny, Linda, and others deal with it every day?  I received no death or rape threats, stalking, or vile personal attacks (well, a little, but it’s not an insult to be called gay by a fool) – all of which are apparently common.

I don’t know how this can be stopped.  I guess those of us who are straight, white, middle-class males must stand up alongside everyone being abused online for whatever reason and make it clear that it’s not OK.  These horrible, evil trolls will presumably find something else to do, but in the meantime I’ll do what I can to support everyone’s right to participate online no matter who they are.

<Update> I don’t know how helpful the above message is. It just makes me so angry and frustrated that talented, smart, thoughtful women are being chased off from online participation and careers because of horrible small-minded shitheads.

I guess all I wanted to do is stand up and say “this is not OK”

<Update 2> Realized today that pretty much anything that Linda or Laurie say on Twitter will be contradicted by a dude trying to prove he is smarter or better than them.  There are very few (if any) guys in the world who have to deal with that – even if the response is just condescending rather than overtly offensive or threatening.

<Update 3> This is helpful and way more articulate than me.